




少至18人 个月



推进 as a business professional with a MBA in Finance in just 18 Months 

你准备好继续你的职业生涯并攻读金融MBA了吗? Earning an MBA degree with a concentration in Finance from Columbia International University through 100% online classes can position you as a leader in the corporate world. 具有前瞻性的会计和经济战略方法, 你将有能力在金融市场上谋求职位. 通过这个项目的课程, 您将对不断发展的技术有更深入的了解, financial market operations and fundamental concepts of budgetary management. This enables you to lead in the competitive corporate environment in the areas of 金融, 会计与经济战略. 

  • 推进 your knowledge of modern financial principles and techniques for corporate treasury management. This includes understanding financial 市场, managing cash and investments and managing risks. 
  • 学习 投资分析和投资组合管理的原理. 这包括了解股票市场, 债券和其他投资工具, as well as how to evaluate investment opportunities and manage portfolios. 
  • 研究 跨国公司财务管理技术, 金融建模, 投资组合管理和财务规划. 这包括了解如何分析财务报表, evaluate investment opportunities and manage risk in a global business environment. 


澳门新葡京网站, we stand out from other institutions because of our focus on 任务 and core values. 作为一名CIU国际学生, you’ll experience a seamless integration of truth and academic excellence in our top-notch online program. 我们的学习管理系统既强大又直观, and our team is dedicated to meeting the individual needs of our learners. 我们知道每个学生都有自己独特的学习方式, and we’re committed to providing the resources necessary to help you succeed. 



  • 高参与度课程: Our online MBA program is designed to provide you with relevant and impactful information that will shape you as a 金融 professional. You will receive passionate instruction from experienced professors who are dedicated to your success. We incorporate mock financial situations to ensure that you have real-world experiences, 为你的职业生涯做准备. You will have the opportunity to engage in discussions and collaborate with classmates to gain a comprehensive understanding of 金融 principles. 
  • 敬业的教职员工: Our professors and staff are committed to providing you with the resources and information you need to be successful. They are readily available to answer questions and provide on-需求 tutoring when you need extra support. 您将在整个学习过程中获得个性化的关注. 
  • 网络的机会我们理解网络在金融行业的重要性. That is why we provide access to a network of career opportunities and internships throughout your studies. Our program is designed to help you establish valuable connections that will enhance your career prospects. 
  • Transfer-Friendly项目我们想让你更容易继续你的教育. Our transfer-friendly programs allow you to enroll from where you left off in your previous studies. 我们接受任何大学的学分, 在任何地方, so you can seamlessly transfer into our program and begin working towards your MBA. 
  • 程序的灵活性我们知道我们的许多学生都是在职的专业人士. 这就是为什么我们在设计课程时考虑到灵活性的原因. 在你攻读商科学位期间, you have the freedom to try out any other programs that CIU has to offer. You can customize your studies to fit your career goals and personal interests. 




  • 商业研究和数据分析

    这门课的目的是为你的数学做准备, 概率, and statistical concepts for your upcoming studies in quantitative methods. Topics include research design, measurement issues, the sources and collection of data. Ethical issues associated with the conduct of research will also be explored. (3)仅限于在线课程学生.

  • 组织领导和道德

    本课程探讨关键原则, 模型, 以及为有效提供基础的实践, 有道德的组织领导和管理. Best practices of 领导 and management are examined and evaluated as applied to the dynamics of understanding organizational behavior, 建立有凝聚力的团队, 发展健康的组织. Ethical and corporate social responsibility (CSR) 模型 and decision making in both for-profit and not-for-profit entities will be addressed. Special emphasis on analyzing and integrating the values and ethics from a Christian worldview will challenge individuals to formulate one's own philosophy of organizational 领导 and healthy organizations. (3)仅限于在线课程学生.

  • 商业信息系统和技术

    This course examines the role of information systems and technology in today's rapidly changing business environment and analyzes technology's implications for efficient management of operations. (3)仅限于在线课程学生.

  • 市场营销

    A course designed to explore the main aspects of strategic 市场营销 theories and concepts and their global applications. 本课程探讨市场营销过程, 市场营销研究, 产品开发、创新和推广, 定价策略, 分配值流失, 广告和促销, 战略营销问题. This course is designed to equip the students with the concepts and principles necessary to make market oriented business decisions and to enable students to plan, design and critique 市场营销 promotional materials and campaigns within the framework of an ethical perspective. (3)仅限于在线课程学生.

  • BUS 6010管理财务

    This course focuses on the critical financial issues and decisions facing organizational leaders and business executives. Key concepts covered in the course include analysis of financial statements, 货币的时间价值, 资金成本, 营运资金管理, 现金流量预测. 使用这些工具, students will learn to evaluate and determine the value of organizations and proposed capital projects. (3)仅限于在线课程学生

  • BUS 6020会计财务报告和管理

    This course explores the use of 会计 information for planning, control and decision-making. Students develop analytical and applied skills through problems and cases that focus on preparing, 报告, 分析财务数据. Special emphasis focuses on ethical 报告 and on potential misuses of financial information. Topics covered include the principles and practices of financial 会计 and the fundamentals of managerial 会计, 比如成本行为和预算. (3)仅限于在线课程学生.

  • BUS 6050战略规划与管理

    本课程强调定义, 配方, and execution of strategy to successfully define and implement organizational vision, 任务, 战略目标. The strategies of for-profit entities will focus on achieving and sustaining competitive advantage against rival firms, while strategies of not-for-profit organizations emphasize strategic positioning to effectively serve the organizations key stakeholders. 因为这是计划中的一个顶点体验, 学生通常会在他们的第二年注册这门课程. (3)仅限于在线课程学生.

  • ECN 6010商业管理经济学

    This course provides the concepts and principles required for understanding and solving economic business problems. The course especially focuses on microeconomic analysis applied to practical business problems and decision-making -- such as factors relevant to production, 成本, 需求, 定价, and profits -- and also on monetary and fiscal policies that affect industries, 市场, 和公司. (3)仅限于在线课程学生.

  • 金融机构管理

    本课程研究结构, operation and interaction of the entities that are stakeholders or otherwise engaged in the global financial services arena. 重点放在管理这些机构的回报和风险上. The risk management approach is explained through its contribution in assuming risk on behalf of their customers. The influence of term structure of interest rates and the regulation of financial 市场 on performance of these institutions is also examined. Different financial 市场 and the impact of its key players are also thoroughly investigated. (3)仅限于在线课程学生.

  • 金融市场

    This course investigates the fundamental principles that govern financial 市场 and institutions. The approach is to gain an advanced understanding of the operations of the domestic and international banking industry, 美国联邦储备银行, 以及金融和机构中介机构的行为. (3)仅限于在线课程学生.

  • FIN 6030投资分析

    This course examines the procedures and tools necessary to evaluate investment variables, 确定价值并分析股权的风险/回报特征, 固定收益证券, 另类投资, 包括个人投资. 重点放在道德投资上, 负责任的投资决策, 以及投资组合分析的工具. (3)仅限于在线课程学生.

  • FIN 6040国际财务管理

    Companies operating globally or in the global arena through supply chains, distribution or foreign investment are different from their domestic counterparts in part due to their exposure to foreign exchange fluctuations, 政治风险, 等. This course explores the characteristics of international financial 市场 and evaluates the associated risks and benefits involved in operating globally.The course also explores best practices and various business strategies for successfully launching and engaging in business activity outside the U.S. The course will examine all issues through two lenses: that of a multinational enterprise, 个人投资者也是如此. (3)仅限于在线课程学生.

For a comprehensive list of courses related to this program visit the 学术目录.



SACSCOC (The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Com任务 on Colleges)


  • 审计会计 
  • 首席执行官 
  • 首席财务官 
  • 大学讲师 
  • 财务经理 
  • 收益经理 
  • 销售主管 



工商管理硕士学位 degree covers a broad range of business topics such as 市场营销, 会计, 运营管理和组织行为学. 工商管理硕士学位 with a 金融 concentration focuses on the financial aspects of business, 包括投资, 金融建模, 项目组合管理和风险评估.

工商管理硕士学位 with a 金融 concentration is ideal for students who wish to pursue careers in investment banking, 财务分析, corporate 金融 or any other position that requires a strong understanding of financial 市场 and instruments. 在这个节目中, 学生将学习如何分析财务数据, 评估风险并做出明智的投资决策.

两者都为商业原则和管理提供了坚实的基础. 然而, an MBA with a 金融 concentration provides students with a deeper understanding of financial concepts and prepares them for careers in 金融-related fields. 最终, the choice between an MBA and an MBA with a 金融 concentration depends on the student’s career goals and interests.


工商管理硕士学位, 或工商管理硕士学位, is a graduate-level degree that provides advanced education and training in various aspects of business, 包括管理, 领导, 市场营销, 会计, 金融及其他. This program is designed to prepare students for 领导 positions in business organizations.


The MBA program curriculum covers a wide range of topics related to business management and 领导, 比如金融, 会计, 市场营销, 经济学, 运营管理, 战略与伦理. Some programs may also offer concentrations or specializations in specific areas such as healthcare, 创业或全球商业.


Columbia International University offers multiple start dates throughout the year to accommodate students’ busy schedules.


Columbia International University’s 100% online MBA in Finance can be completed in just 18 个月.


MBA学位可以为你带来广泛的就业机会, 包括管理职位, 金融, 市场营销, 人力资源, 咨询和更多. The specific career paths available will depend on the individual’s interests and career goals.


MBA学位可以为一个人的职业生涯带来很多好处, 包括增加收入潜力, expanded career opportunities and development of 领导 and management skills. 另外, an MBA can help individuals build a professional network and gain valuable industry insights.

